Confirmation preparation is accomplished at each of the four Waterloo parish sites with the high school juniors of our respective parishes. Two years of high school theology (either CORE or Columbus High School) are required to begin the immediate preparation phase of Confirmation preparation. The four Faith Formation leaders use the same curriculum and stagger our preparation sessions so that if a teen has to miss a session, they can make it up at one of the other Waterloo sites. The sessions include: parent/teen information meeting, Sacraments of Inititation, Creed and What Makes Us Catholic, Sponsor/Candidate Day, a day-long retreat and the celebration of Confirmation.There is a $50 per teen fee for Confirmation materials and supplies for the meetings, retreat and liturgy.
For more information, please contact the Faith Formation Office at 319-233-0498.
The Waterlooo Catholic Faith Formation Commission employs Youth Ministers for both middle school students and high school teens. The Youth Ministers offer many programs and opportunities for students.
For more information, please contact Annie Zeets at 319.233.3358 ext 134.
Information is sent to each high school student announcing offerings through the Archdiocese of Dubuque such as the Archdiocesan Youth Rally, National Catholic Youth Conference, Teens Encounter Christ, CLI and Quest.