Committee Chair: Laura Hansmeier Phone: 319-230-7246 Email: [email protected]
Meetings: Second Monday of Each Month at 6:15pm, in the Church
The Stewardship Committee encourages parishioners to exercise stewardship as an expression of gratitude to God and as a way to life as Disciples of Christ.
Opportunities for Supporting Discipleship
Welcoming New Members
The Stewardship Committee contacts new members to welcome them, to provide information that will encourage active participation in worship and parish activities, and to get a better understanding of the member's needs. If you would like to learn more about our efforts to welcome new parishioners or have suggestions, contact Bev Seger at 319-234-3888 or email her by simply clicking on her name.
Volunteer Recognition The Stewardship Committee recognizes volunteers in various ways. It is their goal to acknowledge volunteers as Disciples of Christ. If you would like to participate in acknowledging volunteers or would like more information, please contact Ed Schmadeke at 319-269-8455 or email him by simply clicking on his name.
Parish Directory The pictorial directory is published every five years. The Stewardship Committee secures a company to publish the directory, schedules portrait sessions, formats the directory, and distributes it. The next directory will be completed in 2021. If you would like to assist in this effort, please contact Harland Robinson at 319-230-3773 or email by simply clicking on his name.
Time and Talent Survey The Stewardship Committee annually provides parishioners the opportunity to indicate the ways in which they desire to participate as stewards of their time and talent. They also distribute this information to committees or ministry leaders. If you would like more information or to assist in the administration of our survey, please contact Harland Robinson at 319-230-3773 or email by simply clicking on his name.
To complete and submit our online Adult Time & Talent Survey, CLICK HERE.
Joyfully Gifted Workshops The Stewardship Committee hosts a free, one-day, educational workshop for parishioners designed to help them identify and use their spiritual gifts. Our next workshop will be held in the Fall of 2017. For more information, please contact Maggie England, Pastoral Associate at 319-233-6179.