Blessed Sacrament Friends, While Fr. Tony is away on sabbatical, we have a small group of parishioners who wanted to take the opportunity to update his personal bathroom off his bedroom. When will we ever have 8 weeks again to do a major renovation without inconveniencing anyone? It will be a wonderful surprise for Fr. Tony upon his return. This bathroom is the original bathroom constructed in 1965. We feel we have gotten our money's worth after 60 years. It is dated, lacks storage, and is inconvenient. Most importantly, it poses a tripping hazard with the tub/shower combination. With the shortage of priests in our Archdiocese, there is always the chance we could have an older priest to serve in our parish, so we want this bathroom to be more handicapped accessible. We want to remove the tripping hazard by providing a safer and improved walk-in shower, along with a few other upgrades to the bathroom. Much of the work will be provided with volunteer labor from some of our parishioners and a licenses plumber, Curran Plumbing, doing the plumbing upgrades. Fr. Tony DOES NOT know about this project. He did not ask for this. However, do know that it will be a wonderful gift for him upon his return. The shower will be more spacious and will be equipped with grab bars. It will also be easier for Fr. Tony to get into with a higher showerhead that he no longer has to duck his head to use. There will be a larger sink, along with increased storage with an actual vanity. Can you help us fund this project? We could use your financial help. This project involves Fr. Tony's personal bathroom as noted above, along with a few upgrades to the guest half-bath in the rectory. Fr. Tony hosts dinners for fellow priests and parishioners who use this bathroom, so it does get considerable use and this will reflect good stewardship of our facility. There is a 60-year-old sink stuck on the wall that is also original to the facility. Lastly, if we receive enough donations, we'd like to purchase new seating for the tv/sitting room in Fr. Tony's apartment. The two recliners currently there for his use were there long before he arrived, served several other priests, and have seen better days. He has not complained, but they are horribly uncomfortable and threadbare. If at all possible, we would like to update this furniture. There are multiple ways to donate: (1) Click the button below and donate directly online; (2) Drop off a donation at the parish office during regular business hours; (3) Drop a donation in the collection basket in an envelope marked for "Rectory Renovation"; OR (3) Next weekend (Jan. 25-26), we will have representatives in the Gathering Space after each Mass to answer your questions and where you can donate cash or a check in person. |
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