The Pastoral Council serves to advise the pastor with pastoral planning that takes into consideration the needs of the parishioners, the Archdiocese, and the community at large. Members provide leadership, visioning, and planning based on the mission of the Church and parish.
Pastoral Council meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month (except July) in Putz Hall at 6:30 p..m.
The Council consists of six elected councilors, appointed "wisdom generation" and youth representatives, ex-officio representatives from the Stewardship, Finance & Administration committees, Cedar Valley Catholic Schools Board, and the pastor. Councilors serve a 3-year term, with two elected each spring through a parish election.
Each council member is assigned to be a liaison to a committee and reports back to the Pastoral Council.
This is our parish and we are your Pastoral Council representatives. We hope you will feel free to contact us with your questions, concerns and comments.