Join us in giving our new Summer Seminarian Intern Jacob Francois a warm Blessed Sacrament welcome! Jacob is a native of Cedar Rapids and comes from a large Catholic family. He is the oldest of 6 kids and graduated from Xavier High School in 2016. He studied theology and philosophy at Loras & Benedictine College where he graduated in 2019. Jacob has had previous experience teaching as the department head of theology at Don Bosco in Gilbertville and as the director of youth and young adult ministry at St. Patrick's in Cedar Rapids. Jacob received a master's and a licentiate degree in Krakow, Poland where he studied theology and philosophy at the Pontifical University of St. John Paul II in 2022. Jacob is now a theologian studying at Mundelein Seminary for the Archdiocese of Dubuque. His hobbies include hiking, skiing, fishing, canoeing, coffee, and traveling.