Faith begins in the home, and our Faith Formation programs for children are committed to helping parents nurture the gift of faith in their children . . . teaching them to keep God's commandments by loving God and our neighbors.
To learn more about our Children & Family Catechesis, please contact Waterloo Catholic Faith Formation office at 319.233.0744 or visit
Wednesdays: Wed RE is our Wednesday evening program for children who attend public schools. RE is held from 6:00-7:15 pm and runs from mid-September through the end of April.
Home-study is an option for families that have difficulty attending Wednesday evenings. Each family is provided resources and they check in with us three times each year.
Summer Religious Education is a collaborative adventure with the other four Waterloo parishes to meet the needs of families that have conflicts on Wednesday nights. It is held the last two weeks of June.
Vacation Bible School. This summer program for children ages 5-10 is sponsored by the four Waterloo parishes and held at Blessed Sacrament. The event runs from 9am-noon, typically the second week of June. The children are actively involved in song, movement, crafts, experiments, community building, Bible drama, and faith explorations based upon the VBS theme.